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July 22, 23 & 24 2005

Night 1:
Opening Ceremonies
Rorschach Interview
Rorschach vs. Trik Davis
Sabian Interview
Dr. Cheung vs. Sabian
The Prophet Interview
The Prophet vs. Icarus
Mickie Knuckles Interview
Mickie Knuckles vs. Retail Dragon
Arik Cannon Interview
Arik Cannon vs. Matt Bomboy
Cheech Interview
Cheech vs. Ricky Reyes
Larry Sweeney vs. Josh Abercrombie
Claudio Castagnoli, Gran Akuma & Chris Hero vs. Mike Quackenbush, Lance Steel & Jigsaw
Rorschach vs. Sabian vs. Icarus vs. Mickie Knuckles vs. Arik Cannon vs. Ricky Reyes
Night 2:
Opening Ceremonies
Vries Kastelein Interview
Shane Storm vs. Vries Kastelein
Lance Steel vs. Equinox
Shiima Xion Interview
Crossbones Interview
Shiima Xion vs. Crossbones
Niles Young Interview
Niles Young vs. Josh Abercrombie
Anthony Franco vs. Kudo
Claudio Castagnoli Interview
Claudio Castagnoli vs. CJ O'Doyle
Arik Cannon, Icarus, Gran Akuma & Chris Hero Interview
Arik Cannon, Icarus, Gran Akuma & Chris Hero vs. Mickie Knuckles, Trik Davis, Ryan Cruz & Darin Corbin
Eddie Kingston asks Mike Quackenbush to team with him.
Jigsaw, Sabian & Mike Quackenbush vs. Ultra Mantis Black, Hallowicked & Blind Rage
Larry Sweeney Interview
Shane Storm vs. Equinox vs. Crossbones vs. Niles Young vs. Kudo vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Night 3:
Prophet Interview
Lance Steel vs. Prophet
Darkness Crabtree, Dr. Cheung & Crossbones vs. Alere Littlefeather, Allison Danger & Mickie Knuckles
Alere Littlefeather, Allison Danger & Mickie Knuckles Interview
Larry Sweeney vs. Vries Kastelein
Ryan Cruz & Darin Corbin Interview
Hallowicked & Blind Rage vs. Shane Hagadorn & Davey Andrews vs. Retail Dragon & Discount Tiger vs. Ryan Cruz & Darin Corbin
Eddie Kingston Interview
Claudio Castagnoli, Arik Cannon, Chris Hero & Gran Akuma vs. Mike Quackenbush, Sabian, Equinox & Eddie Kingston
Anthony Franco & Matt Turner Interview
Cheech & Cloudy vs. Anthony Franco & Matt Turner
Icarus Interview
Shane Storm Interview
Shane Storm vs. Icarus