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Steve Corino vs. Homicide

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Disc 1:
Homicide & Steve Corino vs. The Backseat Boyz (Glory By Honor)
Homicide attacks Steve Corino (All Star Extravaganza)
Steve Corino Interview (Final Battle '02)
Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Steve Corino (Corino attacks Homicide before match.) (Final Battle '02)
Homicide Interview (1st Anniversary Show)
Steve Corino vs. Homicide (1st Anniversary Show)
Disc 2:
Homicide Interview (Wrath of the Racket)
Steve Corino Interview (Wrath of the Racket)
Steve Corino vs. Homicide (Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies)
Steve Corino attacks Homicide (Main Event Spectacles)
Steve Corino Interview (Main Event Spectacles)
Barbed Wire Match
Steve Corino vs. Homicide (War of the Wire)
Disc 3:
Steve Corino vs. Homicide (Steel Cage Warfare)
Steve Corino & Colt Cabana vs. Homicide & Low Ki (Enter the Dragon)
UXW Heavyweight Title Match
Steve Corino vs. Balls Mahoney (Interference by Homicide) (UXW Every Victim Counts)
Homicide shoots on Steve Corino
Steve Corino shoots on Homicide