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Disc 1:
Jake Roberts Interview (Heroes of Wrestling PPV)
Jim Neidhart vs. Jake Roberts (becomes Jake Roberts & Yokozuna vs. King Kong Bundy & Jim Neidhart) (Heroes of Wrestling PPV)
WCW Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal advertisement for Halloween Havoc. Featuring Sting and Jake Roberts.
WWF Tag Team Title Match
The Nasty Boys vs. The Legion of Doom (The Arsenio Hall Show)
Official Weigh-In between King Kong Bundy and Uncle Elmer
Arm Wrestling Match
Paul E. Dangerously vs. Missy Hyatt
Marc Mero vs. Sable (WWF Over the Edge '98)
Harlem Heat interview (Booker T calls Hollywood Hogan a nigga)
Brawl for All Match
Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn (Wrestlemania XV)
Kane shows that he has the same powers as The Undertaker.
Val Venis saves Yamaguchi San's wife from a beating from Keientai.
Recap of the Road Warrior Hawk alcoholism angle.
The Headbangers impersonate The New Age Outlaws.
The Undertaker attacks Steve Austin in the hospital. He is then taken away in a hearse and Undertaker attempts to bury him alive. The Undertaker decides to embalm him instead.
The Godfather offers Vader 3 of his hoes. Then Bart Gunn attacks them both.
Al Snow shows Michael Cole what he's going to do to Road Dogg.
Goldust vs. Gillberg (Bluedust video plays during match)
Recap of the Jim Ross heel turn.
Steven Regal: Man's Man vignettes.
Steven Regal vs. Bradshaw
The Oddities entrance video.
The Pillman/Austin gun incident.
The Shock Master debuts on A Flair For the Gold.
The Nacho Man vs. The Huckster
Shawn Michaels' "I Lost My Smile" speech.
Recap of Big Show/Big Boss Man feud.
Chris Jericho attacks Chyna with a hammer.
Disc 2:
The Viking vs. David Eisley
Bobby Heenan introduces Lex Luger
Repo Man attacks Randy Savage and steals his hat.
Bam Bam Bigelow, Bastion Booger & The Headshrinkers vs. Men on a Mission & The Bushwhackers (Survivor Series '94)
One Man Gang vs. El Gigante
The Red Rooster/BobbyHeenan feud
Debut of Friar Fergison
Bastion Booger vs. Virgil
Debut of Adam Bomb.
Sid vs. Sting (Sid pins a fake Sting)
Call of the Action: Shane Douglas
Hillbilly Jim vs. Don Muraco (Dressed as Roddy Piper)
Tuxedo Match
Hillbilly Jim vs. Mr. Fuji
Roddy Piper determines his partners for Uncensored.
Oktoberfest version of Saturnight's Main Event.
The Real Double J: Jesse James vs. Rockabilly
Debut of Johnny B. Badd
Debut of Oz
Tag Team pilot episode
Disc 3:
Rick Rude Interview
WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Hollywood Hogan (Bash at the Beach 2000)
WWF Hardcore Title Match
Gerald Brisco vs. Pat Patterson
The NWO mocks the Four Horsemen.
Too Much vs. Al Snow & Head
Dynamic Dudes vs. Fabulous Freebirds
Steve Austin wins US Title via forfeit and quickly loses it to Jim Duggan.
Goldust vs. Roddy Piper (Wrestlemania XII)
Brian Pillman vs. Eddie Guerrero
Col. Parker/Sherri Wedding
Kennel From Hell
Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow
Scott Steiner uses dogs to attack Sting
The No Limit Soldiers meet Curt Hennig
Recap of Kevin Nash/Randy Savage feud
Buff Bagwell vs. Kanyon
Zodiac vs. Randy Savage
Dungeon of Doom segment
Sumo Monster Trunk Match
Hulk Hogan vs. The Giant
Disc 4:
WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan vs. The Giant
Dungeon of Doom vs. Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage
Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage vs. Zeus & The Ultimate Solution
Mike Justice vs. Norman the Lunatic
Cougar Jay & George South vs. The Ding Dongs
Hog Pen Match
Henry Goddwin vs. Triple H
Recap of Rhodes Family/Stud's Stable fued
Hell Comes to Frogtown
Disc 5:
Sid Interview
Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vignette
Bob Backlund Vignette
Bob Backlund interview
Bob Backlund Vignette
Bodydonnas Vignettes
Skip vs. Scott Taylor
Waylon Mercy vignettes
Waylon Mercy vs. Bill Weaver
Hakushi pulls fake Bret Hart head out of a bag.
Daffney/David Flair/ Miss Hancock love triangle
William Regal vs. Naked Mideon
Scaffold Match
PN News & Bobby Eaton vs. Steve Austin & Terry Taylor
1988 Year in Review
Twin Towers on The Aresenio Hall Show
Sisters of Love being arrested.
Sunny in bed with a man in an Elmo costume
Bertha Faye vs. Alundra Blayze
Harlem Heat vs. American Males
Dean Malenko vs David Flair
Mike Awesome vs. JT Smith
Boxing Match
Johnny B. Badd vs. Scotty Flamingo
Jim Cornette vs. Jose Lethario
Eric Bischoff challenge Vince McMahon to a match.
Buddy Rose Blow Away Diet
Steve Williams: EMT
Beavis & Butthead watch a Hulk Hogan music video.
Isaac Yankem DDS
Junkyard Invitational match
Warlord Interview
British Bulldog interview
Bob Orton Jr., Lou Albano & Jimmy Snuka playing blackjack
The Dungeon of Doom attacks Randy Savage
Swimming Pool Match
Rikishi interview
Mortis vs. Glacier
The Outsiders run The Steiner Brothers off the road.
Big Show impersonates The Godfather
Kama Vignette
Disc 6:
Kama gets in Steve McMichaels face.
Wrestlemania XII commercials
Mke Awesome vs. Lance Storm
Dutchess  Queensberry Match
William Regal vs. Chris Jericho
The Mountie vs. Roddy Piper
Ric Flair wins the Royal Rumble
The Royal Family vs. Doink's clowns
Body Slam