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Show #7

Confrontation between Michael Shane and Paul London
The SAT vs. Christopher Daniels & Donovan Morgan
Ikuto Hidaka & Dick Togo vs. James Maritato & Tony Mamaluke
James Maritato vs. Tony Mamaluke
Bryan Danielson announces that Mike Modest will be his tag team partner.
Divine Storm vs. Bryan Danielson & Mike Modest
Carnage Crew attack members of the ring crew.
Carnage Crew attack Da Hit Squad before their match.
Ikuto Hidaka & Dick Togo vs. Christopher Daniels & Donovan Morgan
Dunn vs. Alex Arion
ROH Title Match
Xavier vs. Low Ki (Interference by Christopher Daniels)
Takao Omori vs. Sonny Siaki
CM Punk announces his debut and is interrupted by Colt Cabana.
Jay Briscoe vs. The Amazing Red (Post match attack by Special K and The SAT)
Street Fight
Michael Shane vs. Paul London
ROH Tag Title Match
Christopher Daniels & Donovan Morgan vs. Bryan Danielson & Mike Modest