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Glory By Honor

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Show #8

Special K vs. Homicide vs. The SAT vs. Divine Storm
The Backseat Boyz vs. Homicide & Steve Corino
Christopher Street Connection & Allison Danger vs. York and Matthews & Alexis Laree
James Maritato Interview
Tony Mamaluke vs. James Maritato
Ikuto Hidaka vs. The Amazing Red
Don Jaun vs. Fast Eddie (Post match attack by Michael Shane & Biohazard)
Texas Death Match
Rudy Boy Gonzalez vs. Steve Corino (Post match fight involving Michael Shane, Biohazard & Paul London)
Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki
Prince Nana vs. Elax
Jay Briscoe vs. Xavier (Post match attack by Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Low Ki & Doug Williams)
Falls Count Anywhere Match
The Carnage Crew vs. Da Hit Squad
Spanky vs. Michael Shane vs. Paul London
Christopher Daniels vs. Doug Williams (Post match attack by Dick Togo & Jay Briscoe)
James Maritato asks Tony Mamaluke to become a serious wrestler one more time.
The Prophecy/Steve Corino/Michael Shane confrontation