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Show #9

Steve Corino/Homicide confrontation
Dixie & Joey Matthews vs. Divine Storm vs. The SAT vs. Da Hit Squad
The Prophecy Interview
Gauntlet Series Match
CM Punk vs. Michael Shane
Michael Shane vs. Paul London (Tommy Dreamer makes them shake hands after their match.)
Paul London vs. The Amazing Red
Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson
Allison Danger vs. Alexis Laree
Bunkhouse Match
Dunn & Marcos vs. The Carnage Crew
Special K interrupts JT Smith's interview.
ROH Title Match
Jay Briscoe vs. Xavier
#1 Contenders Trophy Match
Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles (Post match attack by The Prophecy & Jay Briscoe)
Steve Corino (w/ Samoa Joe) & Low Ki vs. Masato Tanaka & Shinjiro Ohtani
Da Hit Squad find Homicide sharpening a fork.
Homicide stabs Steve Corino with a fork.
Bonus Match
Joel Maximo vs. Jose Maximo vs. The Amazing Red (ECWA 9/22/01)
Low Ki vs. Minoru Fujita (JAPW)