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Show #19

Homicide Interview
Special K walk around the building
BJ Whitmer vs. Dan Maff (After match, Julious Smokes asks Dan Maff if he remembers where he came from. Low Ki comes out and asks Smokes the same thing. Homicide comes out to cool things down. Afterward, Trent Acid comes out of nowhere and hits Homicide with a Yakuza Kick.)
Tony Mamaluke vs. Jason Cross
Oman Tortuga vs. Iceberg (Post match attack by Dunn & Marcos)
Matt Stryker vs. Tom Carter
Samoa Joe attacks Dan Maff backstage
Izzy & Dixie vs. The Carnage Crew vs. Colt Cabana & CM Punk vs. The Briscoe Brothers
BJ Whitmer Interview gets interrupted by Christopher Daniels
John Walters vs. Andy Anderson
Jimmy Rave vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. CM Punk vs. Christopher Daniels
Jody Fleisch & Slim J vs. The Backseat Boyz
ROH Title Match
Homcide vs. Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe Interview
Christopher Daniels calls out Samoa Joe
Christopher Daniels Interview