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Night of the Grudges

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Show #20

Paul London Interview
AJ Styles Interview
The Christopher Street Connection vs. The Carnage Crew
Chance Beckett vs. Matt Stryker
John Walters vs. Justin Credible vs. Chris Sabin vs. Homicide (Angeldus was supposed to be in the match but was attacked by Credible)
Colt Cabana & CM Punk vs.Raven & BJ Whitmer
Matt Stryker Interview
Prince Nana Interview
Diablo Santiago vs. Prince Nana
Mikey Whipwreck & Dixie vs. The SAT (Post match attack by The Carnage Crew & Justin Credible)
#1 Contenders Trophy Match
Paul London vs. AJ Styles
Michael Shane, CW Anderson & Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels, Donovan Morgan & Dan Maff
Bonus Match
Jimmy Cash vs. Lit
Dunn & Marcos and Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Special K
The Prophecy Interview
Carnage Crew Interview