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Show #24

Raven Interview
CM Punk questions Rob Feinstein about who beat Lucy down and is interrupted by The Outcast Killaz.
Special K looks for more girls to join their group and ask Alexis Laree.
Prince Nana vs. Homicide (Before the match, Homicide calls out Steve Corino who isn't in the building.)
Carnage Crew Interview
Dunn & Marcos vs. Tony Mamluke & John Walters
Dan Maff Interview
BJ Whitmer vs. Matt Stryker
Special K vs. Carnage Crew vs. The SAT vs. Backseat Boyz
Alexis Laree vs. Becky Bayless
#1 Contenders Trophy Match
Xavier vs. Christopher Daniels
Steve Corino Interview
Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Hydro vs. Deranged vs. Jonny Storm
CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe (Post match attack by Christopher Daniels)
Homicide vs. Steve Corino
Dan Maff vs. Low Ki
Special K slips something in Alexis Laree's drink.
Christopher Daniels Interview is interrupted by CM Punk