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Show #25

CM Punk & Colt Cabana Interview
Raven Interview
Jimmy Rave vs. Colt Cabana
Jimmy Raven interview gets interrupted by AJ Styles
Colt Cabana Interview
Diablo Santiago vs. Slyk Wagner Brown
Dunn & Marcos vs. Special K vs. The SAT vs. The Backseat Boyz
Matt Stryker vs. John Walters
Homicide tells Rob Feinstein he wants to wrestle Trent Acid tonight.
Special K (Hydro, Deranged & Angeldust) vs. Carnage Crew (Loc, Devito & Justin Credible)
The Briscoe Brothers interview is interrupted by The SAT
Mark Briscoe vs. BJ Whitmer
Trent Acid vs. Homicide
Christopher Daniels Interview
Chris Sabin vs. Jay Briscoe vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
Justin Credible is attacked by Special K during a Q & A
Cage Match
CM Punk vs. Raven
Samoa Joe Interview