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Show #26

Disc 1:
Colt Cabana Interview
Dan Maff Interview
Jimmy Rave vs. BJ Whitmer
BJ Whitmer Interview
AJ Styles talks to Jimmy Rave after his match
Samoa Joe Interview is interrupted by Steve Corino
John Walters vs. Xavier
Xavier Interview

Christopher Daniels Interview interrupted by Steve Corino
TJ Wilson vs. Teddy Hart
Raven Interview
Steve Corino vs. Raven (Interference by Simply Luscious & CM Punk)
Chris Sabin vs. Colt Cabana vs. Matt Stryker vs. AJ Styles
Colt Cabana Interview interrupted by CM Punk
Tag Team Gauntlet
ROH Tag Team Title Match
Special K (Hydro, Deranged & Angeldust) vs. The Carnage Crew (Loc, Devito & Justin Credible)
Special K (Deranged & Hydro) vs. The Briscoe Brothers
The Briscoe Brothers vs. Dunn & Marcos
The Briscoe Brothers vs. Special K (Izzie & Dixie)
Special K (Izzie & Dixie) vs. The Backseat Boyz
Homicide Interview
Disc 2:
Alexis Laree vs. Hijinx
Jim Cornette Interview
CM Punk vs. Terry Funk
ROH Title Match
Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe
Dan Maff Interview
Carnage Crew Interview
The Backseat Boyz Interview
Good Times, Great Memories with Colt Cabana
First guest: Julius Smokes
The Outcast Killaz vs. Slyk Wagner Brown & April Hunter
Slim J vs. Joey Matthews
Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Josh Daniels