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Show #28

Samoa Joe Interview
Colt Cabana asks Homicide about his match tonight.
BJ Whitmer vs. Dan Maff
Trent Acid Interview
The Outcast Killaz vs. Fast Eddie & Don Juan vs. Dunn & Marcos vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Alex Shelley
John Walters vs. Christopher Daniels
Steve Corino Interview
ROH Tag Team Title Match
The Carnage Crew vs. Izzy & Dixie
Colt Cabana asks Dan Maff about the attack on Lucy.
Xavier vs. Chris Sabin
CM Punk vs. Steve Corino
Jimmy Rave vs. Colt Cabana vs. Justin Credible vs. John Walters
No Holds Barred Match
Homicide vs. Samoa Joe
Rob Feinstein lets Special K know that The Briscoe Brothers are number 1 contenders for the tag titles.
Jim Cornette Interview