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Rob Eckos announces that he is done teaming with Matt Striker

Rockin' Rebel vs. The Blue Meanie

Tod Gordon (w/ Talia) Interview is interrupted by Jasmin St. Claire. He then introduces Too Cold Scorpio. Too Cold Scorpio's interview is interrupted by Slyk Wagner Brown and April Hunter.

Monsta Mack vs. CJ O'Doyle (Post match attack by Rob Eckos)

CJ O'Doyle vs. Rob Eckos

Chris Sabin vs. AJ Styles vs. Too Cold Scorpio

Disc 2:

Rockin' Rebel vs. Roadkill (Post match attack by The Blue Meanie)

3PW Tag Team Title Match
Special Guest Referee: Talia (w/ Tod Gordon)
Mike Kruel & Gary Wolfe (w/ Jasmin St. Claire) vs. Slyk Wagner Brown & April Hunter

Damian Adams vs. Matt Striker (half way into the match, Rob Eckos comes out dressed as Bill Alfonso)

3PW Heavyweight Title Match
Joey Matthews vs. Christopher Daniels