My wrestling dvd collection

Defining Moment: Us vs. Them

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Disc 1:

Jay Bradley interview interrupted by Jimmy Jacobs

Flip Kendrick & Louis Lyndon vs. Faith in Nothing

Jim Lynam is outside the building and finds, Jordan McEntyre, Knight Wagner & Chandler McClure waiting in line. He tells Jordan & Knight that if they don't go inside they are fired and that Chandler can't come in because he is on strike.

Shane Hollister Interview interrupted by Danny Daniels, Ryan Boz & Nick Brubaker

Shane Hollister vs. Nick Brubaker (w/ Danny Daniels & Ryan Boz)

Jordan McEntyre & Knight Wagner vs. Krotch & Juice Robinson (w/ Johnny Wisdom) (Before the match, Chandler McClure tries to get to ringside.) (Interference by Nikki Mayday & The Northstar Express) (Post match attack by Jimmy Jacobs)

Jimmy Jacobs interview interrupted by Dave Prazak

AAW Heavyweight Title Match
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jay Bradley (w/ Dave Prazak)

Arik Cannon & The Northstar Express (w/ Nikki Mayday) vs. Gran Akuma, Hallowicked & Jigsaw

Dave Prazak tries to calm down Jay Bradley

Disc 2:

Johnny Gargano vs. Shiima Xion

Silas Young Interview

Danny Daniels & Ryan Boz (w/ Nick Brubaker) vs. Zero Gravity

Dan Lawrence Interview

The Young Bucks vs. House of Truth (w/ Truth Martini) (Post match attack by Faith in Nothing)

Bryan Danielson vs. Silas Young

Silas Young Interview

Jimmy Jacobs Interview

House of Truth Interview