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Windy City Classic 5

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Jimmy Jacobs interview

Irish Airborne vs. Zero Gravity

Arik Cannon interview

Danny Daniels, Trik Davis, Mason Beck (w/ Truth Martini) & Nick Brubaker vs. Shane Hollister, Silas Young, Dan Lawrence & Tim Donst

Tyler Black interview interrupted by Irish Airborne

The Northstar Express (w/ Nikki Mayday) vs. Flip Kendrick & Louis Lyndon

Silas Young interview

AAW Heritage Title Match
Colt Cabana vs. Arik Cannon

Jay Bradley interview

Tyler Black vs. Jay Bradley (w/ Dave Prazak) (Post match attack by Irish Airborne, save by Silas Young and Shane Hollister)

Jordan McEntyre & Knight Wagner (w/ Chandler McClure & Johnny Wisdom) vs. Krotch & MisChif

The Phoenix Twins Interview

AAW Tag Team Title Match
The Phoenix Twins vs. House of Truth (w/ Truth Martini & Mason Beck)

Keith Walker interview

Jim Lynam announces that Tyler Black will not be able to wrestle in the AAW Heavyweight Title match

AAW Heavyweight Title Match
Shane Hollister vs. Silas Young vs. Jimmy Jacobs (Interference by Irish Airborne) (Post match attack by Tyler Black)

AAW Heavyweight Title Match
Tyler Black vs. Silas Young (Interference by Irish Airborne & Shane Hollister)

The Phoenix Twins interview

Jimmy Jacobs interview

Shane Hollister & Tyler Black interview

Silas Young & Irish Airborne interview