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Fallout Night 1

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Sal Rinauro vs. Vordell Walker

Mikey Batts vs. Roderick Strong

BJ Whitmer Interview

BJ Whitmer vs. Antonio Banks

CM Punk (w/ Azrieal) Interview

Azrieal (w/ CM Punk) vs. Rainman 

Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Jimmy Rave (After the match, Dave Prazak invites both of them to join DP Services)

Insane Dragon vs. Jerelle Clark (After the match, Dave Prazak invites both of them to join DP Services. They turn him down and are attacked by Jimmy Rave & Fast Eddie)

Don Juan (w/ Angel Williams) vs. Jared Steel

No DQ Match
CM Punk (Interference by Azrieal) vs. Dan Maff

FIP Heavyweight Title Match
BJ Whitmer vs. Homicide

Bonus Match:
Mike Awesome vs. Justin Credible vs. New Jack