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King of Carnage

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Dusty Rhodes Interview

The Sandman Interview

Barry Horowitz Interview

FOW Hardcore Title Match
Rusty Brooks vs. Barry Horowitz (Post match attack by The Sandman)

Kevin Sullivan Interview

York and Matthews Interview

The Vandalz vs. York and Matthews 

FOW Tag Team Title Match
The Vandalz vs. The Redneck Mafia

Low Ki Interview

ECWA Heavyweight Title Match
Low Ki vs. Mike Sullivan vs. Scoot Andrews

Bruno Sassi Interview

Christopher Daniels Interview

FOW International Title Match
Christopher Daniels vs. Bruno Sassi

Abdullah the Butcher Interview

Billy Fives Interview

FOW Heavyweight Title Match
Norman Smiley vs. Billy Fives

Terry Funk Interview

Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk vs. Abdullah the Butcher vs. Kevin Sullivan

Bonus Match
FOW Light Heavyweight Title Match
Al Bino vs. Johnny Vandal vs. J-Dawg