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9/8/01 & 9/15/01

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Natural Born Thrillers Interview

The Haas Brothers vs. Johnny the Bull & Reno

Jimmy Yang & Kaz Hayashi vs. Shark Boy & Chad Collyer

Steve Bradley interview interrupted by Mike Sanders, Mark Jindrak & Jason Jett. Saved by Cody Hawk and Lance Cade.

The Island Boys interview

HWA Cruiserweight Title Match
Jamie Knoble vs. Matt Stryker (Interference by Mark Jindrak & Shannon Moore)

HWA Heavyweight Title Match
Jason Jett vs. Race Steele (Interference by Mark Jindrak) (Post match attack by Steve Bradley, Mike Sanders, Kwee Wee & The Island Boys)


Recap of Cruiserweight Title Match from las week.

Mark Jindrak vs. Steve Bradley (Interference by Jamie Knoble) (After the match, Steve Bradley is taunted by Mike Sanders)

HWA Tag Team Title Match
Lance Cade & Cody Hawk vs. The Jablonski's

Lash Leroux vs. Matt Stryker

Matt Stryker Interview

Chad Collyer (w/ Matt Stryker) vs. Jamie Knoble (w/ Mike Sanders)

The Haas Brothers Interview

Shark Boy, Pepper Parks & Nigel McGuinness vs. Kid Romeo, Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore

Kwee Wee & Johnny the Bull vs. The Island Boys