My wrestling dvd collection


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Judas Young interview

Jeff Jaguar interview

Bart Gunn interview

Bam Bam Bigelow interview

Judas Young (w/ Madonna Wayne Gacy) vs. Jeff Jaguar

The Misfits interview

Phi Betta Kappa U. vs. The Misfits

Derek Domino interview

Doug Gilbert interview

Derek Domino vs. Doug Gilbert

Bam Bam Bigelow interview

Samu interview

Samu vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Donnie B. & Bobcat interview

Iron Shiek interview

Rick Ratchet (w/ Donnie B. & Bobcat) vs. Kevin Knight

Steve Corino interview

J.R. Ryder interview

Twiggy Rameriez interview

Devon Storm interview

Ace Darling interview

Inferno Kid interview

ISPW United States Title Match
Twiggy Rameriez vs. Steve Corino vs. Devon Storm vs. J.R. Ryder vs. Ace Darling vs. Inferno Kid

2 Cold Scorpio interview

Bart Gunn interview

2 Cold Scorpio vs. Bart Gunn

J.R. Ryder interview

Mike the Ref interview

Iron Shiek interview