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Bret Hart interview

International Cruiserweight Title Match
Ladder Match
Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis

Nathan Jones arrives and runs into Lenny and Lodi

Disco Inferno tells someone he needs security

Dog Collar Match
Konnan vs. Road Dog

Hardcore Match
Devon Storm vs. Norman Smiley

Battle Royal
Buff Bagwell, Disco Inferno, Stevie Ray, Norman Smiley, Devon Storm & Jerry Lawler

Nathan Jones (w/ Rove McManus) interview

Guitar on a Pole Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Nathan Jones (w/ Rove McManus)

Jerry Lawler tries to find out who the 2 fruits are and is interrupted by Lenny, Lodi & Bret Hart

Lenny vs. Lodi vs. Road Dog

Buff Bagwell interview

Jeff Jarrett vs. Buff Bagwell

Luna Vachon interview

Vampire Warrior vs. Luna Vachon

Disco Inferno calls out the 2 fruits

WWA Heavyweight Title Match
Cage Match
Road Dog vs. Jeff Jarrett (Post match attack by Bret Hart)